What is a Dowel?

A dowel is a cylindrical wooden, metal, or plastic rod that is used to join two pieces of material together. Dowels are commonly used in woodworking and furniture making, but they can also be used in metalworking, construction, and other industries.

In woodworking, dowels are often used as a substitute for traditional joinery techniques such as mortise and tenon joints or dovetails. A dowel joint is created by drilling matching holes in two pieces of wood, and then inserting a dowel into the holes to connect the pieces together. The dowel is typically coated with glue before it is inserted into the hole, which helps to create a strong and secure joint.

Dowels come in a variety of sizes and materials, depending on the application. Wooden dowels are commonly made from hardwoods such as oak, maple, or birch, while metal dowels are typically made from steel, brass, or aluminum. Plastic dowels are also available, and are often used in low-stress applications such as assembling flat-pack furniture.

Dowels can be purchased pre-made, or they can be made by hand using a dowel-making jig or a lathe. They are often used in applications such as furniture construction, cabinetry, and shelving, as well as in construction for reinforcing joints and holding structural elements together.

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